Home » For Renters » Maintenance Request Maintenance Request Choose Side:Choose Side: PERSONAL INFORMATION Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Property Address (required) City (required) State (required) Zip Code (required) Daytime Phone Number (required) Property Access (required) I will be home to meet the Vendor at the unitI authorize Property Management to give the Vendor access to the unitI will leave a garage code and/or key to give the Vendor access Repair Request - Be specific - What Service? (required) Garbage DisposalGarage DoorFurnaceAir ConditionerToiletDrain ObstructionPower FailureFireplaceLeaksInsectsMultiple ItemsAppliancesOther In the box below, please describe the issue in detail (where, what, etc.) - this will ensure the appropriate vendor is assigned. Please Number items when reporting multiple issues. Include S/N and Model #'s (if applicable). Once your request is submitted, you will receive an initial confirmation email, followed by an email or call from our staff with additional questions OR with detailed instructions for you to follow to expedite your request. By submitting this request you are agreeing to the Maintenance Procedures and terms of service on the prior page and are approving our company and/or one of its affiliates or authorized agents to access the property. Have you read the terms of the maintenance agreement above and understand and agree to those conditions? (required) Yes I have read and agree Maintenance Request Agreement Missed Appointment Charge+ If you schedule an appointment with a contractor and fail to show up, you will be responsible for their trip charge. Maintenance Charge Backs+ Our company is responsible for repairing or replacing items broken by normal use. Occasionally, residents cause damage by accident, misuse or abuse. If the maintenance contractor reports to our company that the damage was not caused by normal use, we will charge the repair back to you. Failure to pay for these charges could cause default of your lease. ** Charges to the tenant for any of the above will also incur a mark-up of 10% (minimum of $25) from our company for coordinating the services. Scheduled Maintenance+ Some owners have requested that our company perform certain services on the property automatically in order to keep it in good condition. These services may be done with little or no notice to you. For instance: fall and spring landscaping, gutter cleaning, HVAC service, termite inspections, etc. City License Inspections may also be scheduled as required. If these services require contractors to enter the property, every effort will be made to set an appointment with you at least 24 hours in advance of the visit.